Tisha B’av Programs

2021, Part I: Kinnos & Explanations

2021, Part II: Cantata

2020, Part I: Understanding Eicha & Kinnos Explained

2020, Part II: Cantata

2021, Part I: Kinnos & Explanations – Run by Mrs. Batya Markowitz

2021, Part II: Cantata – Mrs. Sara Lanner, Mrs. Rachel Factor, Mrs. Dina Neuman

2020, Part I: Understanding Eicha & Kinnos Explained – Run by Mrs. Batya Markowitz

2020, Part II: Cantata – Mrs. Sara Lanner, Ms. Libby Joseph, Mrs. Dina Neuman; video produced by Ms. Libby Neuman

With the haskamah of Rav Yitzchak Berkovits שליט”א

Credits: Video Production—Libby Neuman, Chagit Klein and Libby Joseph; Music—Mrs. Sara Lanner, Mrs. Kiki Wulliger, Mrs. Estee Solomon, Shana Lanner, Yael Seltzer; Music produced by KIKIStudios.

Suggested Donation

To cover cost of production. All profits will go to tzedakah.

$10 / 25 NIS

PayPal: Click the yellow button.

Zelle: Use e-mail address shirinspiration@gmail.com.

Paybox: To send payment in shekels through Paybox, use phone number 058-6874821.

For other options of payment or for any other questions, please send an email to 9bav4women@gmail.com.

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Ariella (Bohm) Schuchman
3 years ago

Wow! Absolutely incredible- the message , songs and story ! Sara- your talents continue to inspire so many ! Thank you

3 years ago

Thank you for the gift of tears on Tisha BAv. It is really meaningful to be able to connect to the day and be inspired to focus on our personal avodah. Kol Kakavod Sara and all the other women who worked hard to put this together!

3 years ago

Thank you to everyone who put time and effort into this. May the inspiration you spread among everyone who watched it – spread unto you! Thank you for caring to bring women closer and connected.

3 years ago

Thank you Mrs. Lanner!!! And Estee and Kiki!!!
Shana and Yael- you are so talented!!!!!
Thank you for the inspiration !!!

3 years ago

Thank you, this was amazing!!

Esty Levy
3 years ago

Thank you so much for this beautiful program! It really helped me connect to the day in a personal and meaningful way.

3 years ago

This was really beautiful and inspiring, it got me to feel and cry and at the same time gave much chizuk. Thank you so much to all those who worked hard to put it together.

3 years ago

Not working, is there any other way????

Etty Tenenbaum
3 years ago

So inspiring, connecting and relatable
Thank you

3 years ago

Thank you so much!! This video gave me a real & clear understanding.

3 years ago

really beautifull! thank you!

3 years ago

INCREDIBLE TISHA B’AV PROGRAM!!!! kol hakavod, Sara!!!! May we be zoche to have the geulah this tisha bav!!

3 years ago

Not working for me. Any other way to view this?

L. S.
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Also unable to view, any ideas?

3 years ago

This was really beautiful and inspiring, it got me to feel and to cry and at the same time gave chizuk. Thank you to those who worked hard to put it together.

Rachel Sagal
3 years ago

A huge thanks to Sara, Batya and the many people who worked so hard to make this happen–enabling so many girls and women to have a more meaningful Tisha B’av!

3 years ago

thanks for the inspiration